The “ Kitchen X-Rays” program is an eye-opener whose purpose is ( to awaken your consciousness giving you insights) to give you conscious insights as to the kind of foods that fill up your pantry and and end up filling your belly on a daily basis.
The beliefs you hold about allegedly “ healthy “ or “ unhealthy “ foods is most probably dictated by marketing strategies, myths, diet fads and largely by the way you were raised in this regard . The goal of this program is to dissolve your questionings and doubts as to the foods you consume and undertake changes that will have a HUGE and direct impact on health maintenance, prevention and restoration.
IF you are looking for a clear and comprehensive understanding on basic nutritional concepts , how to differentiate the food groups ( categories) , proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, how to properly read a label and detect the goodies and baddies , learn the adequate servings for you . If you are looking for the responses to your personal questions and want to develop the Kitchen X-rays skill HANG ON , this program is PERFECT for YOU!
Personalization and practicality go hand in hand in the integrative nutritional program and confer it its uniqueness. During our first encounter and session we get to meet each other at your home , where in the privacy of your space, I will lay out in an easy-to-understand way the basic nutritional concepts and clear out your main doubts . Together we will take a look at the food products you keep in your kitchen, upon which we will decide which ones can stay and which ones are invited to leave.
This session includes a folder for your personal use with valuable important and useful information on the main topics we covered . During each session you will get up to 1hour 20-25 minutes time with me , depending on the advances made , another session can be scheduled.
After our first personal encounter at your home, you can make an appointment with me to meet you at your habitual or local supermarket. Together we will walk through the different departments and I will gladly suggest the best food choice.