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What we do

We designed the programs to cover different necessities and treat you according to your bio-individuality. All the programs are personalized (except for D21) therefore before starting the program that suits you, I suggest you take the free 45 min session with me.


Read about the great programs I have prepared for you, under the "Programs" section in the menu above


Send me an email at with the goals or objectives you want us to reach together and let me know about your preferred time of the day within the next 2 weeks so we can set up your 45-min free introduction session


I will get back to you to set a day and time for the first 45-min free session


Once we have agreed on the best suited program for you, the next step is that you process with the payment, so we can then set up a consultation to officially start your program

Fresh Food

Our Programs

Individualized program Individualized program
€280,00 €300,00

Core Features

at your food your mood

Bio Individuality

We believe everyone has their own story that makes us special and everyone should be treated in a personalized way.

Real Food

We base our food programs in Real Food, this means food provided by nature, not created by human.


Life is not only about food, many food habits could come from other lifestyle imbalances, we are working on that too.

Progress not perfection

We celebrate every step towards a better life.


I want you to enjoy the process, making it attractive and easy is an easy way to have success.

Healthy habits

To key to creating a habit is frequency, my goal is that you fall in love with the process!

Relationship with food

I believe that creating a harmonious relationship with food is as important as every food choice you decide to take!


What Customers Say About Your Food Your Mood

Once people have "tasted" the programs, all they want to do is share the experience. Please check the testimonials in the dedicated section, in the menu above! Also, if you want to share your story, I would love to hear more about IT ! Sharing your experience with other people can be a valuable treasure for them and encourage and motivate them to start their own journey towards HEALTH.

"Mi querida y estimada Katia, ¿cómo estas? Espero que muy bien, yo saludándote con mucho gusto y contarte que ayer fui al médico y me checo la presión y la glucosa, frecuencia cardíaca y me dijo que todo estaba muy bien, quise hacer participe por que tu fuiste mi pilar más fuerte para poder combatir la enfermedad de la mejor forma posible y gracias a ti forje disciplina. Cuando empecé todo esto pesaba y ahora pero me he sentido muy bien gracias a Dios y no quería dejar de agradecerte tus consejos, ayuda para mi siempre tendrán un valor insuperable".

Ricardo M.

San Luis Potosi, Mexico.

I started “” program with Katia, looking for a professional opinion on my way of eating as I think sometimes we believe we eat well following diets we see on internet or someone recommends X kind of food, but the truth is every organism works differently and she has helped me personalizing my diet to my particular necessities and goals. I have always done exercise, but I realized muscle toning wasn’t changing as much as I wanted , even though lately I have been training harder. So I went to your food your mood and arranged an online meeting (45 minutes free appt with Katia ) with Katia, and it was hugely helpful. She made it very easy going, I told her how hard it is for me to follow a diet so she made me an special program/food-guide for me to follow but without the feeling of an strict diet, while still eating healthy. What I liked the most is that she explains absolutely every change she makes in your diet or eating habits, speaking of eating hours and how this will help and food replacements, so she makes it interesting and motivating. I got some food replaced for other similar but that will help burn fat and tone, the diet is dynamic and with delicious trendy recipes and ingredients! I think she loves what she does and is very prepared on it , just by the way she explains the whole process and involves herself in the progress of reaching your goal, you can tell she is excited about it as much as you! So I think that can motivate anyone.

Cassandra Ramos

Smoothie Bar

I´ve been looking for a good and healthy program all over the internet but haven´t found anything till a friend of mine recommended me the individualized program. I was having trouble digesting and feeling tired all the time. It´s been 2 months already since I got the program and I can say it´s helping me quite a lot I feel stronger and with more energy. I truly recommend it.

Mariano Porter

Cuernavaca Morelos, Mexico

It all starts with you!

Are you ready to take action?

How much will you invest? The investment depends on the Program. Prices go from 240 to 530 Euros (We offer different payment options depending on the program).

When you invest in your health and education, you are working on the best project you’ll ever work on, YOU!